Direct Mail, Print Ads, Radio & TV

Print Ads

Print Advertising

with an H-Cube Marketing All-in-One Solution

If your audience is local, that means your return on investment with print ads can be huge. Many times, these local publications have a very targeted audience, making them great for targeting specific demographics.

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How can I design an effective print advertisement?

Having access to a great graphics artist helps, but using direct marketing examples as a starting point can be invaluable. H-Cube Marketing has crafted ads for print since 2001 giving us a large library of print ads. These can be easily customized for most businesses.

Your H-Cube Marketing package will include strategy, copyrighting, graphic design, and media purchasing. In addition, we will ensure you get the best deal possible from your local publications.

My business has a website. Do I still need print advertising?

A website alone simply isn't enough to effectively brand your business with consumers. A website is an online storefront, and like a real storefront, it is only visible to passersby. In order to bring people to you, you must increase mind-share for your business.

What is mind-share? It is the portion of a persons awareness that your brand maintains. Your competitors are advertising constantly, and therefor grabbing the attention of consumers. This means you need to make sure you get your portion. If you don't maintain your presence in their minds regularly, they will forget about you. You simply can't count on internet search advertising to accomplish this.

Almost every marketing strategy should include some form of print advertisement. Truly branding your business means becoming a household name, and establishing credibility through consistency.

At H-Cube Marketing, we take your marketing campaign seriously. If you want to learn more, be sure to sign up for a FREE strategy planning session.

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