Direct Mail, Print Ads, Radio & TV

Direct Mail

Direct Mail

with an H-Cube Marketing All-in-One Solution

Many people will tell you that direct mail is dead. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Direct mail works, it’s that simple.

According to the 2015 DMA response rate report, response rates for direct mail outperform digital media (like email) in immediate response by an average of 34%.

While savvy marketers will use a combination of media for their campaigns, print is still among the top three.

What makes a direct mail campaign successful is the strategy behind it. Choosing the right format, crafting the right message, selecting the right list, ensuring the right mailing method, setting up the right tracking tools, and determining the right timing for your direct mail campaign are the keys to its success.

H-Cube Marketing has been creating direct mail campaigns for business since 2001. Because of that we have concepts for nearly every service and proven results in many markets around North America.

At H-Cube Marketing, we take your marketing campaign seriously. If you want to learn more, be sure to sign up for a FREE strategy planning session.

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